Trust, Surrender, and Flow

A lot of our reluctance and resistance to change has to do with our lack of TRUST.

This is a lesson I’ve been learning over the years.

The more I forced things and the more I tried to control outcomes and minimize risks and provide for every possible eventuality (occupational hazard of being an ex-lawyer), the more stressed and anxious I felt.

Conversely, the more I learned to surrender and flow with life and open myself up to serendipity, miracles, and divine nudges (choose your favourite expression), the more joy and peace I experienced.

Not only that, I found the most novel and unexpected thing happening: strangers flocking to join my community, attend my virtual events, say yes to working with me as clients.

The very outcome I had wanted, yet I did not have to force anything.

It was in completely letting go of that emotional and psychological tightness that comes from a place of “I must”, “I have to”, “I need”, that created room for me to serve more of the right people.

My people.

It is one of those counterintuitive, inexplicable facts of life.

When you learn to TRUST that life is working for you rather than against you…

When you learn to TRUST that you will find a solution…

When you learn to TRUST that there are people out there who have your back and your interests at heart…

When you learn to TRUST that people are rooting for you and cheering your success…

When you learn to TRUST that “No” is not a rejection of you are personally and cannot shake your identity and the essence of who you are…

When you learn to TRUST that God is working out every tiny detail in your life for your higher good…

The fear of things not working out – failure, loss, shame and humiliation – will lose its hold over you.

And the world will suddenly open itself up to you with the most incredible connections, possibilities, and adventures.

I invite you to try this for yourself and share with me what you learn.