From my years of working with introverts, there are four kinds of introverts who consistently feel invisible, under-appreciated, or conflicted.
The Quiet Achiever in an Extroverted Workplace
You are that solid and reliable quiet achiever who says little in meetings and works unnoticed in the background.
People who don’t know you well regard you as reserved, socially awkward, aloof, and even antisocial.
You refrain from actively advocating for yourself, naively believing that actions speak louder than words, and people should be able to see your good work without you having to talk about it.
You think talking about your accomplishments or claiming credit is bragging, which you were raised never to do.
Your frustrations:
- Being talked over by louder voices during meetings and discussions.
- Being perceived as a good worker but not a leader or influencer.
- Being labelled as “too quiet” and told to speak up more.
- Feeling unseen and under-appreciated.
The Introverted Entrepreneur and Creative
You have an idea or vision that you care deeply about and want to do something about, but you struggle to make it happen.
You come up with exciting ideas, but never get round to writing the book or launching the course.
You believe that sales is sleazy and marketing is manipulation, so you refuse to do either, which means no one gets to hear about your wonderful creation, and no one can buy from you or work with you.
You procrastinate, overthink, and self-sabotage the moment success becomes a possibility.
You go on endless quests for more information and more qualifications, believing that if only you know one more thing or gain one more certificate, you will finally know enough and feel safe to step out.
Your frustrations:
You don’t take action, so you get no results.
When you don’t get results, you tell yourself:
- Who am I to do this bold, crazy thing?
- It works for other people, not for me.
- I always knew I wasn’t smart enough.
- I am not good at marketing.
- Maybe next year …
The Professional Migrant Woman
You have left behind a successful professional career and a network of friendships and connections in your home country, and are starting over from zero in your new adoptive country.
As a wife and mother, you are focussed on helping your family integrate into the new environment.
You are often tired, have little time to yourself, and have come close to burnout and fatigue from constantly sacrificing your health and wellbeing for others.
When you are finally ready to re-enter the workforce, you discover that it’s not so easy to resume your career where you left off.
The system is different here, and you have to prove your professional worth all over again by going back to school, or doing the paperwork to gain the necessary accreditation and prior recognition of what you have achieved previously.
On top of all that, you are now at an age where you’re not as energetic as you were in your twenties.
Your frustrations:
- Figuring out how to re-establish yourself professionally.
- Learning how to make new friends and find others like you.
- Grieving what you left behind, and feeling that no one understands.
- Feeling stretched thin and exhausted from being older while navigating this big life transition.
- Feeling stressed and overwhelmed by all the changes, and wondering if you made the right decision.
- Feeling torn between your upbringing, values, and usual way of communicating, and those of your new culture.
The Asian “Good Girl” and People-Pleaser
You grew up in a conservative Asian family where your individual needs and preferences came second to the collective needs of the family. You were the classic Good Girl, excellent at complying without questioning. Pleasing others is second nature to you. Speaking up for yourself and asking for what you want makes you uncomfortable. You feel guilty, apologetic, and uncertain when you have to say no or speak up, even when you’re in the right or when your needs are not being met.
Your frustrations:
- Your inability to speak up is costing you professional opportunities.
- Your chronic people-pleasing is allowing others to take advantage of you.
- Your lack of boundaries and conflict avoidance are costing you your personal peace.
- You are constantly plagued with self-doubt and think there is something wrong with you.
Where to from here?
The past is not your fault, but the present and future are your responsibility.
You now get to choose new ways to thrive and flourish.
What you are looking for — and what I provide — is a way home to your truest and highest self.
One that sits well with your head, heart and spirit,
that is sustainable and honest,
and allows you to be yourself — fully and freely.
Ultimately, it is freedom and peace you seek.
Book a consultation to begin your journey home.