
Welcome to The Quiet Warrior Podcast – a place for introverts, highly sensitive souls, empaths, and quiet achievers to grow into Quiet Warriors.

Why “Quiet Warrior”?

Because there are times in life when we are called to be the warrior: to speak, act, lead, and galvanise others for a cause. And being quiet by nature should not be a barrier (or excuse).

I think back to all the times I failed to speak up because of a fear of offending, fear of not knowing when was the right time to speak, fear of looking stupid … and how many opportunities I wasted, when I could have done the right thing or helped someone else who was even more timid than I was.

Our quiet strengths – active listening, being fully present in conversations, the ability to form intimate connections and hold deep and meaningful conversations, conscientiousness and attention to detail, and the way we articulate our thoughts and opinions with intelligence and consideration – are amazing gifts and have the power to unlock so much good.

Let’s get better at using them to bring strength, encouragement, hope, and positive change.

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