I am proud to admit I’m a dummy in some areas of life.
Car maintenance.
Applying makeup.
Keeping plants alive.
The first year in a new job.
I used to think it was shameful and embarrassing to admit I didn’t know what I didn’t know.
So I avoided conversations and people who could have enlightened me, and played the hiding and waiting game.
If I hide my ignorance well, they will never find out that I didn’t know what they were talking about.
If I wait long enough, they will forget they asked me the difficult question, and I won’t have to answer.
If I could go back in time and talk to my younger self, I would advise her:
Ask — and trust that you are surrounded by wise, intelligent, kind, and generous souls who want to help.
Ask — so you can find the answers sooner, and shorten the path to competence.
Ask — so you can move on to other important tasks, instead of sitting fearfully in the shadows of ignorance and self-deception.
Do you struggle to admit that you don’t know something, and to ask for help?