How do you stay energetically vibrant while presenting or speaking, when you are scraping the bottom of the tank (so to speak), and it’s not possible to just leave?
This is a thought-provoking question I was asked after sharing some tips I’ve learned about managing my introvert energy.
I can think of a number of occasions when I was the host or facilitator and felt my social battery had run out completely, with not even 5% left to spare.
It took a great deal of effort and determination to muster a smile and keep the conversation flowing for the sake of the group.
I’m sure my tired eyes and slightly raspy voice gave me away …
I would answer this question on several levels:
First, we often surprise ourselves by how far we can extend our comfort zone when a higher cause is at stake.
We might feel like we are scraping the bottom of the tank, but find to our amazement that there is just that little bit more available that we can pull out and use to benefit others in the moment.
Second, give yourself something especially rewarding to look forward to post-exertion.
It might just give you the second wind you need to get over the line.
For me, giving myself the gift of the rest of the day off (especially with coffee and a good book) is often enough of an incentive to exert myself just a little more.
Thirdly, pace yourself throughout your meeting or presentation, noting when you start to dip, and making a conscious effort to tune back into the collective energy of your audience.
Which leads me to an interesting revelation I had after years of facilitating Meetups for introverts …
Each of us brings with us our own unique energy to a conversation — a meeting — a room.
You are not just relying on your own physical reserves (which are finite).
You also have access to the energy and goodwill of others who are present.
By projecting your focus outward and asking “What else can I do to make this a memorable presentation or a useful meeting?”, it alleviates some of the strain and burden of feeling like you have to have all the answers and do all the work by yourself.
You are doing this collaboratively with your audience.
And it makes a difference to your energy level.
Let me know if this is helpful.