A friend commented recently that we all have to support each other through this ‘desert experience’ (the coronavirus pandemic and requirement to stay home and self-isolate).
She is right.
When the advisory is to stay home to help flatten the curve, and you can’t just take a train to the city or meet a friend at your favourite cafe anymore, you start to appreciate what you used to have.
Here’s my Top 3 list of things I’m doing to make the most of this #Covid19 #StayHome season:
Now that I can’t go out and enjoy an actual soy latte with friends, I’ve been messaging them to check in on how they and their families are getting on. And oh, the wonderful conversations that spring up.
We are all thirsty for real, caring connection.
In times of crisis, nothing heals, soothes, and encourages so much as a kind word from another person, and a sense that we are all in this together.
Play catch-up
Remember all the times you said “I’ll get to it when I have more time”?
Books you had no time to read.
Documents you had no time to file.
Systems and processes you wanted to set up for your business but put off again and again because something more urgent kept coming up.
This is the best time to get ahead so that when life gets back to normal, you’ll be on top and know exactly where everything is.
Learn a new skill, or improve an existing one
I am a “survival cook” – I cook because I must.
To alleviate boredom and give myself a therapeutic break from all the bad news, I’m watching YouTube cooking videos, experimenting with recipes, and varying my daily offerings.
No one has complained so far – and it’s fun.
What are you doing to get through self-isolation?