September is the month of magic.
Here in Australia, it’s the start of Spring and new beginnings.
It’s also my birthday month – and being a Libra, I see the Scales as an invitation to return to balance and harmony.
It’s a good time to Release old wounds and heal stagnant energies.
To Realign values, energy, and focus.
To Reflect on three powerful questions:
Who do I want to BE in this season of new growth? (IDENTITY)
What do I have to DO to facilitate my new identity? (ACTION)
What will I HAVE at the end of my seeking, that I don’t have now? (TRANSFORMATION)
I am using these questions to guide me as I re-energize my health and business and lay the groundwork for a vibrant and prosperous 2024.
What are you focussing on in these last 3.5 months of the year?
If I can be of help, please drop me an email to share where you’re at and what you want to change. I would love to support you. xx