[PODCAST] The Journey of the Barefoot Rocket Scientist (feat. Dr Melissa Corley-Carter)


“It’s not rocket science” – that’s what people say (often dismissively) about someone else’s actions that suggest a lack of planning or wisdom.

Well, guess who I got to interview on The Quiet Warrior Podcast recently – an actual rocket scientist!

If you went to school with me, you’ll know I’ve always been more of a humanities kind of person – science was something I never really grasped or enjoyed.

I really tried – I “even” took up Chemistry in JC, but on the recommendation of my Chem tutor (“Do you know you are near the bottom of the class??”), I dropped it at the end of JC1, which left me with only 3 A-level subjects instead of 4, a risky move!

Dr. Melissa Corley Carter a.k.a. “The Barefoot Dancing Rocket Scientist”, uses basic principles of rocket science to help rockstar humans reclaim their power, own their awesomeness, and take giant leaps of faith. An actual rocket scientist, 7 continents marathoner, astronaut reject, speaker, award-winning author, and certified professional coach, Melissa will inspire you to celebrate the power of who you are and to ignite your passion for the life you live.

In this episode, I was delighted to hear her view of the connection between science and spirituality, the mysterious non-linear ways a career journey unfolds and the detours it takes, and to explore the ultimate questions:

Who am I?

Why am I here?

What am I here to do?

What is my place in the universe?

Also: listen out for references to Jedi, the Force, and the dark side!

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