We were about an hour into our hike when we came to a standstill on a slope in the middle of … nothing.
All around us was bush, but the trail we had been following had mysteriously vanished.
Should we toil uphill the way we had just come (What! Again??), or make our way downhill towards the very attractive road in the distance (The road? That’s cheating!!)?
We had a few minutes of lively discussion and Googling to figure out where exactly we were. One or two people felt that we should avoid “the easy route” and try to find out where we had gotten off-trail and see if we could get back on the original trail.
In the end, we agreed that we should probably keep going.
We reached the bottom, and there in the middle of the road was a sign letting us know that we were just over 2km from our original starting point.
As we plodded to our destination with glad and relieved hearts, I was reminded of the many times I have found myself at a crossroads in my life and career.
— Should I keep going or turn back?
— Which option should I choose?
— How do I know what’s right?
— What if I choose wrongly?
Now I know that’s just my linear conditioning at work.
The answer is: there is no right / wrong answer.
Just as we cannot go back in time to undo or redo what’s done, we also cannot see into the future and reverse engineer our way to the “right” solution or choice.
And that’s a tough thing to accept if we’ve been conditioned to believe that life operates in a binary way.
The truth is much more complex, nuanced, and messy.
Sometimes, the best thing we can do is to get back on track and start over.
Sometimes, the thought of taking another step feels paralyzing; every step feels like it’s taking you further and further away from your comfort zone.
Sometimes, the right thing to do is to pause, scan the environment, take a deep breath — and pick one option.
In moments when we don’t know what to do, let’s remember that we have the power to choose.
When we choose, we set in motion a new pathway that frees us from the helplessness of feeling stuck.
And let’s not forget all the other powers we can call on:
So go ahead and exercise ALL your powers fully.
Know that whatever you choose, it is not the end – it is simply the first step in this particular chapter of your life that is still unfolding.
Keep going, my friend.