What are you celebrating at Christmas?

It’s 3 days to Christmas and I have yet to confirm what’s on the menu for the 25th.

I’ve never been big on celebrations and traditions.

Maybe it goes back to growing up in a family where anything fun or festive was seen as hard work and an inconvenience, rather than a time of enjoyment.

In our group coaching call last week inside The Visible Introvert Academy, I asked my clients the question – What are you celebrating?

It’s interesting how most of us are surprised and have to take a few moments to think about it. (If you’re an introvert, you might find it helpful to write out your thoughts.)

Maybe it’s because we’re not used to turning the spotlight on ourselves.

Maybe we grew up being told that self-praise was bad.

Maybe it’s because our idea of celebration is external:

Buy the turkey and ham

Decorate the Christmas tree

Shop for Christmas presents

As an introvert, I like to look inside, and ask myself:

How have I grown this year?

What new thing did I learn or do?

What went well? What went badly?

What am I most proud of myself for?

I invite you to get out your pen and journal – and reflect on these questions.

You may surprise yourself with how much you’ve grown and how much there is to celebrate.

See you in 2025.