I used to get so anxious whenever there was a lull in the conversation at management meetings.
What if I was called on to speak next, but I didn’t know what to say?
It reminded me of all those times the teacher suddenly said, “Serena?”
I KNEW the answer before she asked, but in the moment of panic, I froze and my mind went blank…
It’s curious how our ability to think and give an articulate reply can disappear when we are suddenly thrust into the spotlight.
Our nervous system interprets the question as a threat and our reasoning ability disappears as we go into fight-flight-freeze mode.
It’s a problem many fellow introverts have shared in our conversations.
This is why during our group calls, I’ve been educating my introvert community that:
↪️There are no awkward silences.
↪️Reflection encourages deep thinking – our forte.
↪️Take time to regulate your nervous system first.
Introvert brains are wired to require more processing time.
Instead of feeling rushed to say something, let’s breathe, trust that we already know the answer – then speak.
When we give ourselves those extra few seconds, we often surprise ourselves and others with thoughtful, well-constructed insights.